Thursday, July 3, 2014




So, the following night, Amir and Baba are at General Taheri's house for the traditional 'Giving Word'. The General is happy. They planned to have the wedding quickly because Baba was so sick. Baba rented an Afghan Banquet Hall for the ceremony, he bought the ring, Amir's tuxedo as well as other necessities until he spent almost all of his savings; $35,000. On the wedding day, the narrator remembered sitting on a sofa, covered in veil and looking at each other's reflections in a mirror. This was the first time when Amir told her that he loved her.Shortly after the wedding, Baba passed away. Many Afghans came to the funeral and payed respect for Baba had helped them in many ways. Amir also realized how Babaa defined who he was.

Amir didn't know much about their family because the engagement was very brief. But he got to know them after the marriage. He learnt that General Taheri does not work but keeps the family on welfare. He also didn't allow his wife, Jamila, to sing in public although she was a great singer. Soraya also told the narrator that her father told her to cut her hair, waiting with a gun. Soraya found Amir different from the other Afghans she met before. Amir finally published his first book in the summer of 1988. After that Soraya and Amir tried to have a baby but they were unable to conceive. Finally, they thought of adopting  as doctors couldn't explain why they couldn't have a child. But Soraya's father disagreed as he didn't like the idea of it. Amir also wasn't certain, so agreed. Instead Amir's writing career went well and they even bought a house in San Francisco. However, the inability to have a child still persisted.


It is June 2001. Amir received a call from Rahim Khan and he told Soraya that he needed to go since Amir thought Rahim as the first grown-up friend. Rahim Khan is ill. That night, Amir drifts off to sleep thinking about their changed conversation about work instead of children and relationships. He dreamt of Hassan before leaving to Pakistan a week after.


On Amir's way to meet Rahim Khan, he notices the neighborhood known as "Afghan Town" with dirty children selling cigarettes, carpet shops, as well as kabob vendors. The cab driver on the way told Amir what terrible things happened to Afghanistan.
Amir arrived at Rahim's apartment. Rahim became weak and sick. They drank tea and had a talk. At first, Amir told him that he was married to Soraya, General Taheri's daughter. He told Rahim about Baba and his writing career. Rahim told Amir that he was sure that Amir would turn out to be a great writer. Then, the topic of the conversation changed to the nightmare of Afghanistan when Taliban took over. Rahim Khan told Amir how he got a scar over his eye.A man next to him at a soccer game cheered loudly. The guard on patrol heard the noise, walked over and slashed Rahim with the butt of his rifle. 
Amir learnt that Rahim has been living in Baba's house since they fled to the U.S. He took care of the place as people thought Baba would return. Meanwhile, Kabul became a dangerous place as the fighting between Afghan factions vying for control of the city grew worse. Rockets fell randomly, which destroyed homes and killed civilians. Rahim Khan said he cheered at first when he heard that the Taliban took over and ended the fighting. While they're speaking, Rahim coughed out blood onto a napkin. Amir asked how he was feeling. Surprisingly, Rahim replies that he was going to die and he didn't expect himself to live through the summer. Amir soon learnt that the reason for Rahim's calling was because he wanted to tell the narrator what happened to Hassan.


The narrative shifts as Rahim Khan narrates the story. In 1986, Rahim went to Hazarajat primarily because he was lonely as well found it difficult to look after Baba's house for he was old. He found Hassan's home in Hazarajat. They greeted each other and Hassan introduced his wife who was also a Hazara, Farzana. As they talked, Rahim learnt that Ali was killed by a land mine. Rahim explained to Hassan and Farzana that he needed help in taking care of Baba's home. Hassan at first declined. After Hassan asked questions about Amir, he cried learning that Baba was dead. Eventually, the next morning Hassan decided to go back to Kabul with his pregnant wife, Farzana.
Hassan and Farzana lived in the servants' hut on Baba's grounds. Hassan worked diligently; cleaning and repairing the house. That fall, Farzana gave birth to a stillborn girl, whom they  buried in the yard, sadly. Farzana luckily became pregnant again in 1990. The same year, Sanaubar (Hassan's mother) appeared at the gate, weak and her face scarred all over. Hassan and Farzana nursed her back to health and they eventually became close to each other. That winter, Sanaubar delivered Hassan and Farzana's son. Hassan named the son 'Sohrab' after one of the characters from Hassan and Amir's favourite story. Hassan taught Sohrab how to read and they ran kites together until kite fighting was abolished in 1996 due to the control of Taliban over Kabul. These activities Hassan did with his son showed that he still thought of Amir, for they were the things they did together in their childhood. Meanwhile, Sanaubar took care of Sohrab lovingly.


The story shifted back to Amir's perspective. Amir sat with Rahim Khan while recalling events that happened between him and Hassan. Amir asked Rahim if Hassan was still in Baba's house. Instead of a reply, Rahim passed Amir an envelope containing a photograph of Hassan as well as a letter for Amir. In the letter, Hassan wrote that the Kabul they knew was gone. One day, a man hit Farzana just because she raised her voice so that a half-deaf man could hear. He wrote about his love for his son, also mentioning Rahim Khan as an ill man. It was written if Amir ever returned, he would find his faithful friend Hassan waiting for me. After a month Rahim arrived in Pakistan, he heard some bad news from a neighbor in Kabul. Hassan and his wife was shott down in the heads by the Talibans merely because they said they were taking care of Baba's house until he came back. The Talibans called Hassan a liar like other Hazaras. 

The Talibans moved into Baba's house. They were aiming for this, and shot Hassan and his wife down. As a result, to these men, the Hazaras do not have enough value so that these men would be punished for ending them.

Sohrab was sent to an orphanage. Rahim knew an American couple in Pakistan who took care of Afghan orphans. They have agreed to take in Hassan's son. Amir said he can't stay in Kabul. He could pay someone else to get Sohrab. Rahim Khan replied that it was not about the money. Amir knew why. Hassan had died and now it was impossible for Amir too apologize. His guilt would stay for eternity unless he took in Sohrab. Owing to the fact that Hassan wrote he never wanted Sohrab as an orphan. Rahim then told Amir one more thing; Ali was unable to have children. Amir realised who Hassan's father was. It was a shameful situation so they couldn't tell anyone. Amir shouted at Rahim Khan and left the apartment.

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