Wednesday, July 2, 2014



Amir as a grown up 

Amir and Soraya


The Story jumped forwards in this chapter. It has already almost been two years since Baba and Amir moved to Fremont, California. Baba had difficulties adjusting to the life in U.S. One day, he even overturned a magazine rack because the manager asked for his ID when Baba was only trying to pay with a cheque. Baba was insulted because he felt distrust. The narrator explained that everyone trusted each other to pay in Afghanistan. That night, Amir asked Baba if it was best to move back to Pakistan where they spent six months while waiting for visas to enter the U.S. Baba replied that they were in America because of Amir  since he was about to finish high school and go to college. On the night of Amir's graduation, Baba took him out for a big dinner and went to a bar where he drank the whole night. He also gave Amir an old Ford Grand Torino as a gift. After days passed, Amir finally confessed that he would like to study writing. Baba disapproved thinking the degree will be useless but Amir had already made up his mind.

In Kabul, Baba was wealthy and always respected. In California, things are the opposite. He worked at a gas station earning low wages. The narrator also made an ironic comment, remarking that some of the homes he saw made Baba's house in Kabul look like a servant's hut. Before, when they were in Kabul, Baba was the master and Ali and Hassan were the servants. But now Baba was more like the servant. These make Baba continuously frustrated. Despite this, he tried to follow his life in Kabul, like buying drinks in the night of Amir's graduation.

Next, the narrator described the drive he took in his old Ford. He passed rundown and rich neighborhoods, and talked about the first time he saw the ocean. For Amir, America was a place where he could escape from the past; run away from all the sins he didn't want to face. As life in the U.S. continued, one day Baba introduced Amir to General taheri and told the general that his son was going to be a fantastic author. Then, Soraya, the General's daughter made eye contact. After their encounter, Amir asked Baba about Soraya and couldn't sleep that night thinking about her. Baba said all that he knew was that she was in love with a man once but it didn't end well.


After a year of long for Soraya, Amir finally got the nerve to talk to her. He always talked to her when General Taheri was away. Jamila- Soraya's mother noticed them talking and she asked Amir to sit but he declined after doing a proper Afghan thing. One day, General Taheri arrived when Amir was telling her a story.Soraya's father threw the story out and reminded the narrator that he was among other Afghans. Amir was disheartened, but he soon focused on Baba for Baba was diagnosed with lung cancer but refused to receive any treatment. Baba said he has been trying to teach Amir all his life and forbid to tell anyone about his illness.

Baba weakened as months passed until one day he collapsed. The cancer had spread to his brain. At Baba's bedside, Amir asked if he could go to the General and ask for Soraya's hand in marriage. Baba went happily the next day and the general also accepted.
Soraya is also happy but she told Amir about her past because she didn't want to keep any secrets. When she was eighteen, she ran away with an Afghan man. They lived together for nearly a month until her father took her home after finding here. While she was gone, her mother had a stroke. This past of Soraya bothered Amir a little but he still wanted to be romantically involved with her for the rest of his life.

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